Competitions are a great way to showcase ideas & possibilities of design that are otherwise deemed to progressive for the average client. It is also where we challenge ourselves the most to come up with an original & experimental design.

The Park Competition by the Dhaka City Corporation was an exciting prospect as it provided the very rare opportunity to design public recreational spaces. Each of the two submissions possessed its own unique set of difficulties. The Fazle Rabbi Park site had a large number of mature trees planted arbitrarily. The very first design decisions came from that very fact. The paths & spaces must take an organic form to conform to existing natural elements.

The Iqbal road park had a sports club adjacent to a water pump house. The pump structure was an eyesore, and it subtracted from the park space. The design began by integrating the pump house with a newer club structure which provides additional functions to a variety of demographic.



MW3 Design+ Partners Got Special Recognition in BERC Head Office Competition by IAB